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Event Handler Functions and Visibility Problems #244

Closed Clund1 closed 9 months ago

Clund1 commented 9 months ago

What's the problem you're trying to solve?

Post any code you think might be relevant (one fenced block per file)

    forest.generateHidingSpots() //This generates random spawn of goblins on forest
    goblinEls.forEach((tile) =>{
            id =;
            tileArrPosition = forest.goblins[parseInt(id[1])][parseInt(id[3])]; // takes ID of each goblin space to formulate reference
   = FORESTLOOKUP[tileArrPosition]; //uses FORESTLOOKUP to ref. background image choice
    setTimeout(hide,5000); //5 seconds to memorize then hide

function hide(){
    goblinEls.forEach((goblin) =>{ = "";
function playerChoice (choice1, choice2){ //Player Choice will always contain 2 choices
    if (choice1 === choice2){
        return correctMatch++; //if choices are equal return ++truthy value
        return wrongMatch++; //if choice are different return ++falsey value
function determineWin(){
    const winner = (correctMatch === 6); //if player makes 6 correct matches, they win
    const loser = (wrongMatch === 4); //if player makes 4 wrong matches, they lose
    if (winner === true){ //if WIN remove gameboard and add win text = "none"
        messageEl.innerText = 'YOU HAVE WON!';
    if(loser === true){ // if LOSE remove gameboard and add loss text = "none";
        messageEl.innerText = 'YOU HAVE LOST!'; = "antiqueWhite";// 'hides' functionality = "black";
/Takes tileArrPosition of goblin div and gives it to choice1 or choice 2
    //on click of goblin tile store tileArrPosition
    forEach (goblin.e)
    //PUSH tileArrPosition into Choice 1 and Choice 2 Variables
    let Choice1 = goblin.e.tileArrPosition;
    let Choice2 = goblin.e.tileArrPosition; 

If you see an error message, post it here. If you don't, what unexpected behavior are you seeing?

Im not sure how to organize the event listener to gather the correct information i need

What is your best guess as to the source of the problem?

Genuinely no idea, Tylus ran into trouble helping me as well

What things have you already tried to solve the problem?

MDN, W3 research, tried nesting the eventListener in the initialLaunch function but it gave unpredictable results. Now im trying a forEach to gather the info I need but I cant factor it correctly.

I'm in dire need of a 1 on 1 help meeting.

Paste a link to your repository here[


timmshinbone commented 9 months ago

There's a problem in this code here:

/Takes tileArrPosition of goblin div and gives it to choice1 or choice 2
    //on click of goblin tile store tileArrPosition
    forEach (goblin.e)
    //PUSH tileArrPosition into Choice 1 and Choice 2 Variables
    let Choice1 = goblin.e.tileArrPosition;
    let Choice2 = goblin.e.tileArrPosition; 

forEach has to be attached to an array, and I'm not sure you want that to happen inside the eventlistener. Grab the goblinEls like you had them before, as a nodelist, so you can run a forEach on them and add the event listener inside the iteration. If you can't get that working, we'll take a look in a 1:1 shortly after deployment party

Clund1 commented 9 months ago

Fixed the listener but still having errors logging the tileArrPosition ito Choice1 or Choice2

timmshinbone commented 9 months ago

Ok, we can look at this in a 1:1 real shortly!

timmshinbone commented 9 months ago

We resolved this by targeting a specific identifier and saving those to a variable, then checked those values against each other