seikichi / restructured

Pure JavaScript reStructuredText parser
58 stars 15 forks source link

License missing #10

Open curiousleo opened 6 years ago

curiousleo commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm thinking of building a ReST + Firebase collaborative editor for fun - something like but with ReST instead of Markdown.

It's just a fun little project, it would be open source and I have zero intention of commercialising it. Still, it would be good to know that you're okay with people playing with your code (and the "live demo" example) - so please consider adding a license to this project.


lextm commented 6 years ago

The readme file does say MIT.

cco3 commented 5 years ago

True, but three letters don't exactly constitute a license. It would be good to have an actual LICENSE file.