seikichi / restructured

Pure JavaScript reStructuredText parser
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a space after inline markup makes it - and content that follows - disappear #3

Closed mgielda closed 7 years ago

mgielda commented 7 years ago

Hi @seikichi - first of all, awesome work and thanks for your effort! I have stumbled upon one problem while playing with the parser and decided to report it:


results in nothing (tested in the live demo after downloading github master).

I assume it's a minor bug and not critical, but just wanted you to know.

seikichi commented 7 years ago

Hi @mgielda, I'm glad to receive your comment.

Did you try online demo page (link)? If so, that bug is fixed in current restructured version (0.1.11):

$ npm install -g restrutured
$ cat <<EOF | restructured
pipe heredoc% **hoge** 
pipe heredoc% hoge
pipe heredoc% EOF

But I forgot to update the online demo page ;-p. Thank you for bug reporting! I'll fix ASAP.

mgielda commented 7 years ago

Hi @seikichi, OK! I downloaded the code but did use the example, which is same as the online demo, so I think that is why. Thanks for a quick reaction!

seikichi commented 7 years ago

Hi @mgielda

I fixed the bug and updated examples directory and demo site.

Sorry for late fix, I was sick last week 😨