seikichi / restructured

Pure JavaScript reStructuredText parser
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Add two more types of table to target feature list #4

Closed mgielda closed 7 years ago

mgielda commented 7 years ago

RST supports four table types altogether, adding to list for completeness' sake.

mgielda commented 7 years ago

By the way, which list is the README based on? I assume this:

There is a different document which lists directives which are supported out of the box:

And a much shorter one for roles:

So in fact, since my addition is probably not the only one we would need to make to really have a list of all 'missing' features', perhaps there should be separate sub-feature lists, or at least one for directives. After all, tables can be inserted 'inline' without the .. table:: block, or with it, and these are two separate things to be implemented in some sense.

What do you think @seikichi ?

seikichi commented 7 years ago

Thank you @mgielda ! (and sorry for too late reply...).

As you expected, I created the list in the README based on restructuredtext.html and
interpreted text roles pages, I didn't add thouse features in README because there are too many features :-p.

I agree that creating sub-feature lists about directives and roles. I'll update the README in one of these days.