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Latency/lag in GUI (scrttv) #2

Open FMassin opened 6 months ago

FMassin commented 6 months ago


I have noticed rather extreme lag times while using the GUI with casual datasets. For example, using scrttv is much slower than on linux with the same mseed data.

Is there a way to improve the performance of the rendering in GUIs?



gilcel commented 6 months ago

Sorry for the long delay. Which macOS version and Platform (Intel or Silicon) ? Strange since we have Mac mini's here from 2013 (INTEL) with about > 20 stations and no lag at all with scrttv, scmv and other apps open.

a-oth commented 6 months ago

Hi Fred, Adding to Gilles' response, my experience is overall without problems with the GUIs, except indeed with scrttv and the picker window in scolv, which is related to screen resolution (HiDPI). For instance, on my iMac 5K, if I stay with HiDPI resolution, then scrttv or the picker will hang easily and become unresponsive. If I use for instance the software SwitchResX for reducing the resolution, then scrttv and the picker will work fine, just like the other GUIs.

FMassin commented 6 months ago

Ok, Thanks! So that is my retina laptop screen and/or my desktop hidpi 2nd screen. I will do more tests with poorer screens 😆 But there must be other unix users with hidpi screen resolution in the linux-based seiscomp community, I wonder if the seiscomp forum would have heard about this issue ...

gilcel commented 6 months ago

Since SeisComP GUI (windows etc.) is based on Qt5.1x you can try the following environment variables described here:

First stop all your SeisComP GUI applications then execute the following lines in your


Restart your SeisComP apps...

Some good advices here in chapter 5: GUI Toolkits Qt 5:

FMassin commented 6 months ago

Ho I think that helps ! But it is still a bit choppy ...

gilcel commented 6 months ago

Yeah we made some tests with scrttv and indeed it's choppy with HiDpi turned ON... I will try to disable it in the source code of scrttv and do some tests...will let you know.

FMassin commented 6 months ago
