sekisushai / ambitools

tools for 3d sound field synthesis using higher order ambisonics
GNU General Public License v2.0
32 stars 4 forks source link

compilation time out errors #3

Open muziker opened 4 years ago

muziker commented 4 years ago

Hi there, i'd like to confirm this set of behaviour. I'm compiling ambitools and there are a few dsp files in the src directory that cannot be compiled by faust. They are:

hoa_azimuth_rotator.dsp hoa_beamforming_hypercardioid_to_hoa.dsp hoa_converter.dsp hoa_rotator.dsp

The problem is there's an error message like this:

faust2lv2: line 188: 3191 Alarm clock faust -i -a "$FAUSTLIB/$arch" -cn "$clsname" $OPTIONS "$dspname" -o "$tmpdir/$cppname"

What is this? And is it a resource issue on my part, so i'll not try recompiling again, or is it a simple fix?

sekisushai commented 4 years ago

Hello, Theses dsp files are quite long to compile, try with the flag -t 0 faust2lv2 -t 0 hoa_azimuth_rotator.dsp

NilsSchreiber commented 4 years ago


I also have problems with compiling the hoa_rotator.dsp. I cannot compile it via the website and with your suggestion I get the following message from the command line:

commandLine: faust2juce -t 0 hoa_rotator.dsp ERROR1 : n is NAN in an Interval ASSERT : please report this message, the stack trace, and the failing DSP file to Faust developers (file: interval.hh, line: 65, version: 2.28.1, options: -lang cpp -scal -ftz 0) ====== stack trace start ====== 0 faust 0x000000010777a69a _Z10stacktraceRNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEi + 74 1 faust 0x000000010777a52b _Z14faustassertauxbRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEi + 651 2 faust 0x000000010795af06 _ZN8intervalC1Ed + 214 3 faust 0x000000010795551a ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 490 4 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 5 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 6 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 7 faust 0x0000000107955e09 ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2777 8 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 9 faust 0x0000000107955e09 ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2777 10 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 11 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 12 faust 0x0000000107955e09 ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2777 13 faust 0x0000000107955e09 ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2777 14 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 15 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 16 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 17 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 18 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 19 faust 0x0000000107955d8c ZL13infereSigTypeP5CTreeS0 + 2652 ====== stack trace stop ======

Best, Nils