selaux / eslint-plugin-filenames

Eslint plugin to check filenames.
318 stars 35 forks source link

Abandoned? #48

Open gtsop opened 4 years ago

gtsop commented 4 years ago

Hey, awesome plugin, I see it hasn't been updated in years. It looks like it's abandoned. What the way forwards? Forking? Adding collaborators?

selaux commented 4 years ago

Yes. I am no longer actively maintaining this. Please feel free to fork.

gtsop commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I respect your decision, can you please add a notice in the README so people are aware? Thanks a lot for your work :)

selaux commented 4 years ago

I added the note and will leave this open as a pinned issue, so it is clear to visitors.

dolsem commented 4 years ago

If you're looking for alternatives, let me shamelessly advertise my own plugin I've created

loeffel-io commented 3 years ago

You can also just checkout ls-lint

pmcelhaney commented 3 years ago

@dolsem How about we copy the three rules from this plugin into eslint-plugin-filename-rules, so that everyone can seamlessly switch? If you're interested, I'm happy to send a pull request.

gajus commented 2 years ago

All of these rules have been added to eslint-plugin-canonical.

dolsem commented 2 years ago

@pmcelhaney sorry I missed the message, but if you submit a PR, I am happy to review and potentially merge it. Or, perhaps eslint-plugin-canonical mentioned above will better suit your needs.

Igorkowalski94 commented 11 months ago

As an alternative, you can use eslint-plugin-project-structure

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ESLint plugin with rules to help you achieve a scalable, consistent, and well-structured project.

Create your own framework! Define your folder structure, advanced naming conventions, file composition, and create independent modules.

Take your project to the next level and save time by automating the review of key principles of a healthy project!

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Enforce rules on folder structure to keep your project consistent, orderly and well thought out.

Rocket Features:

- Validation of folder structure. Any files/folders outside the structure will be considered an error. - File/Folder name regex validation with features like wildcard `*` and treating `.` as a character, along with other conveniences. - Build in case validation. - Inheriting the folder's name. The file/folder inherits the name of the folder in which it is located. Option of adding your own prefixes/suffixes or changing the case. - Enforcing the existence of a files/folders when a specific file/folder exists. For example, if `./src/Component.tsx` exists, then `./src/Component.test.tsx` and `./src/stories/Component.stories.tsx` must also exist. - Reusable rules for folder structures. - An option to create a separate configuration file with TypeScript support. - Forcing a nested/flat structure for a given folder. - Support for all file extensions. - Folder recursion. You can nest a given folder structure recursively. - Fewer repetitions and precise error messages, even for deeply nested folders (recursion), by representing the folder structure as a tree.


A key principle of a healthy project is to prevent the creation of a massive dependency tree, where removing or editing one feature triggers a chain reaction that impacts the entire project.

Create independent modules to keep your project scalable and easy to maintain. Get rid of dependencies between modules and create truly independent functionalities.

Rocket Features:

- Creating independent modules in which you control what can be imported (e.g. types, functions, components of one functionality cannot be imported into another functionality). - The ability to create very detailed rules, even for nested folder structures. Whether it's a large module, a sub-module, or a single file, there are no limitations. - Disabling external imports (node_modules) for a given module (Option to add exceptions). - Non-relative/relative imports support. - Support for imports without extension. - Reusable import patterns. - Support for path aliases. The plugin will automatically detect your tsconfig.json and use your settings. There is also an option to enter them manually. - An option to create a separate configuration file with TypeScript support.


Enforce advanced naming rules and prohibit the use of given selectors in a given file.

Have full control over what your file can contain and the naming conventions it must follow.

Rocket Features:

- Naming validation. - Supported selectors: `class`, `variable`, `function`, `arrowFunction`, `type`, `interface`, `enum`. - Naming rules for exported selectors, selectors in the root of the file and nested/all selectors in the file. They can be used together in combination. - Prohibit the use of given selectors in a given file. For example, `**/*.consts.ts` files can only contain variables, `**/*.types.ts` files can only contain enums, interfaces and types. - Inheriting the filename as the selector name. Option to add your own prefixes/suffixes, change the case, or remove parts of the filename. - Enforcing a maximum of one main function/class per file. - Different name rules for different files. - Regex validation. - Build in case validation. - An option to create a separate configuration file with TypeScript support.
dukeluo commented 6 months ago

Thank you for author's contribution, I wanted to share another alternative plugin I created:, thanks!