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Streamline College Marketing by contacting college business fraternity for assitance #87

Open jordanharris opened 7 years ago

jordanharris commented 7 years ago

Need to determine the best time and pitch to deliver. Is the cost/analysis of this worth it? For example, if the goal is to get them to sign up as many users on campus, is this the best method? Any joe shmo college kid could be paid 15 bucks an hour or per signup to basically get kids on campus to download the app. Perhaps need to tackle this from another angle.

1.) Determine best time to do this (When do classes start again-more people on campus, Move in/Move out times when kids most likely to sell things) 1b.) Hell maybe college kids will use it much differently than we imagine (ex. sell a single game football ticket on it to their friends. In other words, less focus on selling during moving, and more on a one off basis to their friends....interesting to explore deeper)