select2 / select2-bootstrap-theme

A Select2 v4 Theme for Bootstrap 3
MIT License
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Select2 Bootstrap4 Not searching in laravel Help me! #93

Open MATOVUJOELCLINTON opened 3 years ago

MATOVUJOELCLINTON commented 3 years ago

am using select2 bootstrap4 for select but when i put the foreach it picks the data in DB but can't search through that data

<div class="form-group col-md-4 mb-3">
     <label>Device Make</label>
         <select name="Barcode" class="form-control select2bs4" style="width: 100%;" required>
             <option selected disabled>Select Barcode</option>
               @foreach ($Barcode as $devices)
                     <option>{{$devices -> Barcode}}</option>
javedbaloch4 commented 4 months ago

@MATOVUJOELCLINTON, Is this resolved? Can you share how did you resolve it?