select2 / select2

Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
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Precedence of `minimumResultsForSearch` vs. `minimumInputLength` #6240

Open relikd opened 1 year ago

relikd commented 1 year ago

This is a bug in my opinion but would qualify as a feature request.

Given the example below, with a dataset of 4 entries, I would expect that select2 will show the entire list instead of a message prompt to enter at least 1 character. After all, the search bar should be hidden before it checks for user input.

  minimumResultsForSearch: 20,
  minimumInputLength: 1,
kevin-brown commented 1 year ago

Yup, this is a feature request. Here's a quick explanation of why we can't universally do this.

minimumInputLength tells Select2 to not kick off a query for results unless X number of characters are present in the search box. minimumResultsForSearch tells Select2 to show or hide the search box based on the number of results that come back in a query. Because minimumInputLength does not kick off a query unless there are characters present, minimumResultsForSearch does not know how many results are present and therefore it cannot determine if the search box needs to be displayed.

I'm pretty sure the only time when we could allow them to be combined is when we can run a blank search to get the first page of results, which basically means only standard <select> use cases (maybe with array loading as well), definitely not with AJAX and definitely not with custom result handlers. If you're able to work through that challenge, I'll definitely entertain a pull request for handling this edge case.

relikd commented 1 year ago

Ahh, I see the problem. Yes, in my case it would indeed be a local search on select options. Unfortunatelly I dont have the time to look into this. As a workaround I just disable the minLength requirement ^.^