selectdb / doris-operator

Doris kubernetes operator
Apache License 2.0
66 stars 33 forks source link

doris 能够部署成功,但更新yaml后重新部署,不自动重启be,fe等pod #149

Closed ChangjunZhang closed 2 months ago

ChangjunZhang commented 2 months ago

operator报错2024-04-10T12:04:12Z ERROR Reconciler error {"controller": "doriscluster", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "DorisCluster", "DorisCluster": {"name":"doriscluster-zelos","namespace":"doris"}, "namespace": "doris", "name": "doriscluster-zelos", "reconcileID": "cb2fa73c-c75e-4f07-9807-388357fb09fb", "error": "Service \"doriscluster-zelos-fe-service\" is invalid: spec.clusterIPs[0]: Invalid value: []string(nil): primary clusterIP can not be unset"}

intelligentfu commented 2 months ago

@ChangjunZhang what's the k8s version?

ChangjunZhang commented 2 months ago

@ChangjunZhang what's the k8s version?

The version of Kubernetes I am using is v1.20.10. Is there a way to solve this problem?

intelligentfu commented 2 months ago

same with

catpineapple commented 2 months ago

fixed #160