selectdb / doris-operator

Doris kubernetes operator
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature] Support for Arrow Flight SQL Port Configuration in Doris Operator #177

Open shashankkhasare opened 4 weeks ago

shashankkhasare commented 4 weeks ago


The Apache Doris v2.1 supports Arrow Flight SQL channel out of the box. To enable Arrow Flight SQL, the arrow_flight_sql_port needs to be configured in fe/conf/fe.conf and be/conf/be.conf [1]. Adding these properties in feSpec.configMap.fe.conf and enables the Arrow Flight SQL port on BE and FE.

However, this configuration does not expose the port on the pod and the service when deploying Doris using the DorisCluster CRD. Any attempt to manually expose it by editing the StatefulSet and Service results in the following error (with PVC as well):

2024-06-03 16:28:33,158 INFO (UNKNOWN fe_a9d8b97b_7b57_4961_ac21_0ffa0bbcc532(-1)|1) [Env.waitForReady():1067] wait catalog to be ready. feType:UNKNOWN isReady:false, counter:101 reason:

This issue persists even when metadata_failure_recovery=true is set in fe.conf [2].


It would be highly beneficial if the doris-operator could support the configuration for the Arrow Flight SQL port on BE and FE. This enhancement will facilitate seamless deployment and usage of the Arrow Flight SQL feature in Doris.

References: [1] Arrow Flight SQL in Apache Doris
[2] apache/doris#4322

intelligentfu commented 2 weeks ago

I will look into it. thx