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sbase recorder generated script contains random dom uid selection #2863

Closed dashng closed 1 week ago

dashng commented 1 week ago

We met an issue to improve the effecient of UI testing. We found the script which generated by sbase recorder contains random uid as dom node selection string. The node id is auto random rendered. after recording, we run the script, it will failed as the node id not found. Do we have another option to location node with xPath or css? Or can we customize the code to support xPath or css as selection condition? Appreciate your any commnets.

mdmintz commented 1 week ago

The Recorder does the best that it can to choose a good selector. It cannot easily predict if a selector is going to change (Eg. one that is generated at random on each page load). Must be a CSS Selector (not XPath).

After the script is generated, you can change any selectors as needed.

If you showed me the HTML of the element you're trying to capture, I could theoretically improve the Recorder. The information you provided so far is not enough for me to work with.

dashng commented 1 week ago

@mdmintz Appreciate your prompt reply. please check the example about the issue:

I recorder script like below:

from seleniumbase import BaseCase
BaseCase.main(__name__, __file__)

class RecorderTest(BaseCase):
    def test_recording(self):"")
        self.type("input#userid", "")
        self.type('input[name="password"]', "Pa55word123!")"div#root > div > div")'button:contains("Continue")')'li[id="9a4af2b418##e6f0c854a1"]')'li[id="9a4af2b418##e6f0c854a1##cea6e8473b"]')'li[id="9a4af2b418##e6f0c854a1##06c234f4a1"]')'li[id="9a4af2b418##12244b6c23"]')'li[id="9a4af2b418##12244b6c23##094f0133ca"]')'button:contains("New Service")')'svg[data-testid="CloseIcon"]')'li[id="9a4af2b418##e6f0c854a1##cea6e8473b"]')'input[aria-label="Select row"]')
        self.check_if_unchecked('input[aria-label="Unselect row"]')'button:contains("Edit")')'svg[data-testid="CloseIcon"]')'li[id="9a4af2b418##24c63d6174##822ca24bbd"]')'input[aria-label="Select row"]')
        self.check_if_unchecked('input[aria-label="Unselect row"]')'button:contains("Edit")')'svg[data-testid="CloseIcon"]')

When I execute the script, the error id not found raised.

mdmintz commented 1 week ago

I still need to see the outer html of one of those <li> elements in order to make improvements to the Recorder.

dashng commented 1 week ago

@mdmintz Please check the html below:

<nav class="MuiList-root MuiList-padding css-1kfhskd" aria-labelledby="nested-list-subheader">
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               <path d="M8.59 16.59 13.17 12 8.59 7.41 10 6l6 6-6 6z"></path>
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mdmintz commented 1 week ago

I think I can improve the Recorder for that in the next SeleniumBase release.

dashng commented 1 week ago

I think I can improve the Recorder for that in the next SeleniumBase release.

Is there any temporary fix for this?

dashng commented 1 week ago

I think I can improve the Recorder for that in the next SeleniumBase release.

Is there any temporary fix for this?

I mean May I have a temporary fix with your guide and re-package the code?

mdmintz commented 1 week ago

See for the temporary fix.

dashng commented 1 week ago

See #1876 (comment) for the temporary fix.

Appreciate for your continued support on this issue. @mdmintz I am using below commmand to generate testing script:

sbase mkrec --url=URL

My quesiton is where / how to execute the command to remove id attributes?

self.remove_attributes("[id]", "id")


mdmintz commented 1 week ago

Execute commands on the command-line during a breakpoint().

dashng commented 1 week ago

Execute commands on the command-line during a breakpoint().

I will try, thanks alot.

mdmintz commented 1 week ago

The Recorder has been improved in SeleniumBase 4.28.0.