Closed cw010 closed 4 years ago
When running, I used --settings = and modified the default configuration file, but the database still says that I cannot connect
Hi @tcwaily , Looks like right now the following is the connect command:
self.conn = pymysql.connect(host=db_server,
It's going to use the default port, but I can change that in the next release so that you can specify a custom port in the settings file. I'll probably make another release sometime in the next two days.
I found examples here: and it looks like 3306 is the default port when not specified. I can use that to expand what I have so far.
I found examples here: and it looks like 3306 is the default port when not specified. I can use that to expand what I have so far.
Hi @tcwaily , Looks like right now the following is the connect command:
self.conn = pymysql.connect(host=db_server, user=db_user, passwd=db_pass, db=db_schema)
It's going to use the default port, but I can change that in the next release so that you can specify a custom port in the settings file. I'll probably make another release sometime in the next two days.
I recreated the settings file and added --settings = at runtime, but I found that it didn't work. Have you tested this?
I found examples here: and it looks like 3306 is the default port when not specified. I can use that to expand what I have so far.
I know this, but the MySQL started by docker I use is not the default port, so I can't connect now。
@tcwaily I would have to change that. The file only lets you make changes to settings that already have a row in the original file. Right now the MySQL port used is the default one, but I'm going to change that so that you can specify a port.
@tcwaily I would have to change that. The file only lets you make changes to settings that already have a row in the original file. Right now the MySQL port used is the default one, but I'm going to change that so that you can specify a port.
I mean I now have a database with a default port 3306, but I used to set a new host address, but it still cannot connect
@tcwaily I would have to change that. The file only lets you make changes to settings that already have a row in the original file. Right now the MySQL port used is the default one, but I'm going to change that so that you can specify a port.
DB_HOST = "localhost" DB_USERNAME = "root" DB_PASSWORD = "123456" DB_SCHEMA = "test"
Unable to connect to Database after 3 retries.
The default port of this database is already 3306, but it cannot be connected, so I suspect --settings = this setting has no effect
@tcwaily Which version of SeleniumBase are you using? I fixed the usage of the file in (last October).
@tcwaily Which version of SeleniumBase are you using? I fixed the usage of the file in (last October).
pytest>=5.3.5 selenium==3.141.0 pytest-html==2.0.1 seleniumbase==1.35.4 requests==2.22.0 BeautifulSoup4==4.8.2 pyyaml==5.3 tkmacosx flask-executor==0.9.3 flask==1.1.1
I'll investigate this issue.
I'll investigate this issue.
Ok, look forward to your findings。
In the meantime, has a working example of MySQL. See the results table at the bottom.
In the meantime, has a working example of MySQL. See the results table at the bottom.
Also use --with-db_reporting Is there a problem?
I'll try several examples and post findings here at the end of the day. I have to get to work.
@tcw0nw Looks like it broke here: I’ll try to get a fix pushed sometime in the next 13 hours.
Ignore the last comment. I was mixing up the desired capabilities parser with the custom settings parser. I'm looking at it now.
@tcw0nw Should be fixed by
I just added a bit more with
I just added a bit more with
pytest testset/ --with-db_reporting
DB_HOST = "localhost" DB_USERNAME = "root" DB_PORT = "3306" DB_PASSWORD = "123456" DB_SCHEMA = "test_db"
I get the following error after running: self = <seleniumbase.core.mysql.DatabaseManager object at 0x10d5ae710>, database_env = 'test', conf_creds = None
def __init__(self, database_env='test', conf_creds=None):
Create a connection to the MySQL DB.
import pymysql
db_server = settings.DB_HOST
db_port = settings.DB_PORT
db_user = settings.DB_USERNAME
db_pass = settings.DB_PASSWORD
db_schema = settings.DB_SCHEMA
if hasattr(sb_config, "settings_file") and sb_config.settings_file:
override = settings_parser.set_settings(sb_config.settings_file)
if "DB_HOST" in override.keys():
db_server = override['DB_HOST']
if "DB_PORT" in override.keys():
db_port = override['DB_PORT']
if "DB_USERNAME" in override.keys():
db_user = override['DB_USERNAME']
if "DB_PASSWORD" in override.keys():
db_pass = override['DB_PASSWORD']
if "DB_SCHEMA" in override.keys():
db_schema = override['DB_SCHEMA']
retry_count = 3
backoff = 1.2 # Time to wait (in seconds) between retries.
count = 0
while count < retry_count:
self.conn = pymysql.connect(host=db_server,
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
except Exception:
count = count + 1
if retry_count == 3:
raise Exception("Unable to connect to Database after 3 retries.")
E Exception: Unable to connect to Database after 3 retries.
I upgraded 1.35.6 while using --with-db_reporting unable to connect
Verify again and pass. thank!