seleniumkit / selenograph

Powered version of Selenium Grid Router
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Can't find a codec for class org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder.: Can't find a codec for class org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder #17

Closed anujitas closed 7 years ago

anujitas commented 7 years ago

Versions ; Ubuntu : 14.04 Selenograph : 1.2-1 Mongod : 3.4.4

I have designed my test.xml file and the same is reflected on selenograph UI on the specified port (4444). When I start the service of yandex-selenograph , it shows that that the service is connected to the given port but eventually lands up into the above mentioned error.

I have libmongo-client0-dbg package installed (alternate for mongo driver) but not working :( Also looked for bson installation and mongodb java driver & mongodb- java-driver-core ; still not working

I also get the below error :+1: ERROR CamelotAggregationStrategy - Repository failure occurred, SKIPPING MESSAGE for plugin 'quotaStats' with key 'all' Caused by Failed to get exchange for key 'all': Failed to get exchange for key 'all' ERROR MongodbAggregationRepository - [quotaStats] Failed to update map for key 'all' Caused by org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException: Can't find a codec for class org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder.: Can't find a codec for class org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchangeHolder.

Is there any dependency package I am missing or any version compatibility issue? Please specify.

vania-pooh commented 7 years ago

@Infobeans-Anujita I have bad and good news for you. The bad news - this project is deprecated and nobody maintains it. Good news - there is an active community with the next generation Selenium cluster projects from the same team here: Take a look at the website: - here you will find links to projects and articles to be read.