self-xdsd / self-core

Self's core, implemented with Java SE 11.
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#1271 Reply with estimation changed value. #1284

Closed criske closed 2 years ago

criske commented 2 years ago

Pr for #1271

zoeself commented 2 years ago

@criske thank you for your Pull Request. I'll assign someone to review it soon.

If this PR solves a todo from the code, please don't forget to remove it.

criske commented 2 years ago

@amihaiemil I think with this aproach we can send the new estimation from IssueEstimationChanged to UpdateTaskEstimation, since it's the next one in chain.

zoeself commented 2 years ago

@amihaiemil I couldn't find any assignee for this task. This is either because there are no contributors with role REV available or because the project does not have enough funds.

Please, make sure there is at least one available contributor with the required role and the project can afford to pay them.

amihaiemil commented 2 years ago

@criske scuze, am uitat de API-u Event si faptu ca nu prea avem acces usor la vechea estimare in contextul de fata.

As renunta la SendReply in cazul asta si as folosi functie anonima, ca in alte cazuri, de exemplu aici. Sincer nici nu mai stiu acum la ce e folosit SendReply (vad ca in manager nu e folosit nicaieri) :D

Iar textul sa fie doar: "Estimation changed to X min at Timestamp" (poti lua noua estimare din event.issue().estimation()) Si pt text efectiv foloseste project.language(), sa fie traductibil : D

Altfel treaba asta cu derive, nu prea vad la ce am folosi-o. Poate ramane ca PoC pt viitor : D

amihaiemil commented 2 years ago

@criske a, SendReply cred ca e folosit doar cand raspunde la un Comment, sa appenduiasca acolo si Comment-ul anterior.

Legat de asta cu derive(...) - nu cred ca e o idee buna, desi la prima vedere mi se pare sexy. Ideea ar fi ca un Step sa lucreze doar cu Event-ul, de acolo sa isi ia datele cu care lucreaza, exclusiv :D

criske commented 2 years ago

@amihaiemil ah ok, pai daca e nevoie doar de noua estimare in comment atunci se simplifica lucrurile... ii dau revert si o sa folosesc un lambda in loc de SendReply.