Open tatianamac opened 4 years ago
Sure. This list is considering future developments of the site, so some things might seem overkill right now. They will save us from grinding teeth and loss of hair later, though.
@tatianamac I’ve added to OP to include a tracking list of tools.
@tatianamac @ovlb I've been working with husky/lint-staged/etc a lot lately to handle linting on commit, as well as setting up corresponding GitHub CI. Would be happy to start on this.
@greatislander Please go ahead :) Shall I add a basic ESLint config, so that your workflow has something to test against or would you do this too?
That would be great, @olvb!
@greatislander I’ve opened #78 for linting and testing. Once this is merged you can go ahead with the CI :)
@ovlb Once CI system is set up, I can work on setting up axe!
@ovlb Once CI system is set up, I can work on setting up axe!
@greatislander #78 is merged. :)
@ovlb @tatianamac I am happy to scaffold a Stylelint configuration as well. Do you have any preferences? I typically use the recommended rules with stylelint-order and properties-alphabetical-order
set to true
but let me know your thoughts!
Thanks for your patience—just flew back from Australia. I am good with those. @ovlb, what're your preferences?
@codeAbul Do you still want to set up axe? CI is ready now.
Also, I imagine we should add some notes to our documentation? I can add it as a separate issue if we agree (once we're done).
@tatianamac That makes sense! Happy to add documentation for the configuration I added.
Much appreciated. Maybe by expanding this document?
As @codeAbul needs to step away from the aXe portion, @greatislander or @ovlb are either one of you able to take on setting that up? Otherwise I'm happy to recruit other folks if you're not able.
@tatianamac I can take a crack at it.
@greatislander Did we lose track of this issue? 😬 (I know you're working hard on the Open Authoring one, so no pressure from me—just trying to get through the issues 😅)
Oh yeah I totally lost track of it. Oops. I am going to be setting up axe for a work project so once I've figured it out there I will replicate here :grin:
@greatislander Did you figure out the axe set up? I'd love to add it here if you did! 🤓🙏🏽
I spent a bit of time on it last week but ran into some issues with GitHub Actions which I haven't figured out yet (got it working locally but couldn't get it to run in CI). Still chipping away at it, and will probably spend some more time this week. Fingers crossed!
Ensure considers accessibility per #48.
Tools to be integrated
Dev infrastructure
These tooling will enable us to ensure consistent code quality across branches and remove the need for manual style corrections in PRs.
If we find a way to apply the formatting configured through the tools above for contributors who are not able to set up an advanced dev workflow on their machines (no shame in that) this will be A++.
There are probably things I miss right now. Will keep the list updated. And if anyone reading this has input, please post it!
This list shall act as a tracking issue.
If you want to work on integrating of one or more of these tools, please open a PR and I will link it in the list. Thanks.
EDIT: by @ovlb; added tracking list