selfmadecode / NextGen-ERP

Improve your organization's efficiency with our innovative ERP solution! Built using C#, .NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ with MassTransit, and deployed on Kubernetes, our system streamlines internal processes, providing a robust and scalable solution for seamless enterprise resource planning.
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Introduction to Team #29

Open selfmadecode opened 4 months ago

selfmadecode commented 4 months ago

This feature aims to provide a comprehensive document created by engineering managers that introduces new hires to their respective teams, outlines necessary groups to join, tasks to complete, individuals to meet, and actions to take during their initial days and weeks at the company.

Key Requirements:

  1. Document Creation Interface: Develop an intuitive interface for engineering managers to create and customize the "Introduction to Team" document for new hires. This interface should support rich text formatting, embedding images, and other multimedia elements.

  2. Content Structure: Define a standardized structure for the "Introduction to Team" document, including sections such as:

    • Welcome Message: A warm welcome to the new hire from the engineering manager.
    • Team Overview: An overview of the team's goals, responsibilities, and key projects.
    • Team Members: Introductions to individual team members, including roles and contact information.
    • Group Memberships: Information on relevant groups, teams, or channels new hires should join for collaboration.
    • Assigned Tasks: Specific tasks or projects assigned to the new hire, with deadlines and instructions.
    • Onboarding Checklist: A checklist of actions new hires need to complete during their onboarding process.
    • Resources and References: Links to relevant documents, wikis, or resources that new hires may find useful.
  3. Customization Options: Provide customization options for engineering managers to tailor the "Introduction to Team" document based on the unique needs and structure of their teams.

  4. Version Control: Implement version control functionality to track revisions and updates made to the "Introduction to Team" document over time. This ensures that new hires receive the most up-to-date information.

  5. Accessibility: Ensure that the "Introduction to Team" document is easily accessible to new hires through the onboarding portal or company intranet. Consider providing both digital and printable formats for convenience.

  6. Integration with Onboarding Workflow: Integrate the "Introduction to Team" document creation process seamlessly into the overall onboarding workflow, ensuring that it is triggered automatically when a new hire joins the team.