selfmadecode / NextGen-ERP

Improve your organization's efficiency with our innovative ERP solution! Built using C#, .NET Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ with MassTransit, and deployed on Kubernetes, our system streamlines internal processes, providing a robust and scalable solution for seamless enterprise resource planning.
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Skills Marketplace #41

Open selfmadecode opened 4 months ago

selfmadecode commented 4 months ago

Description: The Skills Marketplace is designed to provide a platform for employees to showcase their skills, and for HR personnel to have visibility into the skills of all employees within the organization.

Key Requirements:

  1. Display Employee Skills: Develop functionality to display the skills of all employees within the organization. These skills should include both those self-reported by employees and those captured during the onboarding process by HR.

  2. Allow Skill Updates: Enable employees to add skills from their profiles within the Skills Marketplace. This functionality should be user-friendly and accessible to all employees.

  3. Integration with HR Data: Ensure that the Skills Marketplace is integrated with HR data, so that skills captured during the onboarding process are automatically populated in employee profiles.

  4. Search and Filter Functionality: Implement search and filter options within the Skills Marketplace to allow users, including HR personnel, to easily find employees with specific skills or expertise. This functionality should support both basic and advanced search queries.

  5. User Permissions: Implement appropriate user permissions to control access to the Skills Marketplace. HR personnel should have full access to view and manage employee skills, while employees may have limited access to view their own skills.

  6. Reporting and Analytics: Develop reporting and analytics capabilities within the Skills Marketplace to provide insights into the distribution of skills across the organization. This will help HR identify skill gaps, trends, and opportunities for upskilling or reskilling initiatives.

  7. User Interface Design: Design a user-friendly interface for the Skills Marketplace that is intuitive and visually appealing. The interface should make it easy for users to navigate, search for skills, and update their profiles.

  8. Testing and QA: Conduct thorough testing of the Skills Marketplace feature to ensure its functionality, performance, and security. This includes testing across different devices, browsers, and user roles to identify and address any potential issues or bugs.