currently while writing a xpt file from dataframe, the from_columns function is called and here we write the member header records and default the name of the date set to b'dataset, see below code for reference
Member header data
b'dataset' # dataset name -customize this field
+ sas_version
+ os_version
+ 24 * b' '
+ created)
Can you help me to make the dataset name customizable or is there already a function for doing this? As we don't want the all datasets to have the same same as dataset
I'm in the middle of revising the API, so this is a good time to request changes. What would be your ideal example for how to write an XPT-format file?
currently while writing a xpt file from dataframe, the from_columns function is called and here we write the member header records and default the name of the date set to b'dataset, see below code for reference
Member header data
Can you help me to make the dataset name customizable or is there already a function for doing this? As we don't want the all datasets to have the same same as dataset