seliver / ElpisRemote

Remote Control for Elpis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unable to Set IP on Galaxy Note 8, Android 4.2.2 #1

Closed EnigmaSolved closed 9 years ago

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

I'm super-excited about where Elpis and ElpisRemote development is headed! :)

I am having trouble though getting ElpisRemote to work. I gather from that there should be a Set IP button, but there is none displayed on my device. I try changing the IP and then pressing Done on the keypad, but that does not seem to have any effect (just endless spinning, and no connection to the server). I can successfully connect to the computer Elpis is installed on using another, similar app, Panmote (, so I know the connection is not the issue.

I'm using 1.4.7 and 1.0.1.


EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

Followup: I do see Set IP on my Moto G (Android 4.4.4). Also, the Like button seems to be missing from the Note 8 (Android 4.2.2). I'm in a different location now, so can't test if the Moto G can connect or not. Will update later when I know more.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Hello EnigmaSolved. I congratulate you as you're the first user to report an issue :) Yey! As for the "Set IP" button, you can see it by touching on the ip textbox. Followup: i have got Moto G too, but the 2014 (5.0.2) one.

Can you send a screenshot from your tablet?

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

I feel special! ;) And in all seriousness I hope that I can be a helpful source of ideas and suggestions for improving ElpisRemote once I've gotten to try it out for a bit.

Here's my screenshot: Note 8 Screenshot

I think I remember running into a similar issue with some other apps in the past, where older versions of Android don't support certain special keyboard methods/buttons, and so you have to provide them another way.

seliver commented 9 years ago

I see what's happening, the layout is all buggy for higher resolutions. In the meanwhile you'll have to use your moto :/ Of course you're special, you are already contributing with ideas and testing ;)

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

My Moto G does work, so I'm getting to enjoy trying ElpisRemote out! :) I'm making a list of ideas, suggestions and improvements (some of which I'm sure overlap with things you've already thought of, are already planning). I'll probably create a separate issue for each, to make it easy for you to assign things to milestones and otherwise tag stuff.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Glad it works :) Does streaming works aswell? Yes, please do create a separate issue for each :) Thanks!

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

Created a new issue for the Streaming feature:

seliver commented 9 years ago

Just added a new release with a possible solution for this problem. Please try it out and see if it works :)

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

Cool--will do! It'll probably be tomorrow (Saturday) before I can get to it.

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

I tried it out yesterday on the Note 8, and all the visuals are fixed, but I still can't get it to set the IP. Tapping Done on the Note 8 onscreen keyboard seems to have no effect. I suspect that the Done key might not be triggering the same underlying function that the Set IP custom key does (which only appears on the keyboard for newer versions of Android), but that's just a hunch. I think I remember a situation with another app where the app creator had to create a in-app button to achieve what the custom keyboard button was doing, because (presumably) there was no way to trigger what they needed via Done.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately I have no tablet to test, only my moto g. Check the latest release i just published where i changed the keycode that is catched. It is probable to work now.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Have you got it working now?

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

Hey, was meaning to get back to you sooner. I've been out of town and then under the weather. But I did get to test it out last night and I did not observe any change (ie, the spinner just spins endlessly after tapping Done and it never connects). I was able to immediately connect with the same computer in other ways, so my best guess is still that something isn't getting triggered within the app.

Does it start searching for the IP as soon as data is added/changed in the field, or only when Set IP/Done is tapped?

I wonder if another way to go about this would be to go ahead and add the ability to save an IP (or list of IP's to choose from, for those who might use ElpisRemote with multiple computers), ie, #3? That might side-step whatever is not working right on the Note 8 (and/or give us more clarity about what's not working).

zolsta commented 9 years ago

I'm also running into this problem where I do not see the set IP button. My keyboard looks like the same as above. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Running Android version 4.4.2.

What other information do you need?

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

@zolsta, let us know what version of ElpisRemote you're using ( I've most recently tried 1.0.5, but that still doesn't work on my Note 8.

seliver commented 9 years ago

That is strange. Does the default submit button has any effect? Em 29/05/2015 12:12 da manhã, "Sean Slevin" escreveu:

@zolsta, let us know what version of ElpisRemote you're using ( I've most recently tried 1.0.5, but that still doesn't work on my Note 8.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

The only thing that happens for me when I tap the default Done button is the keyboard goes away (which is normal), but the loading spinner keeps spinning and no data from Elpis ever loads.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Have you tested if the Elpis server is working properly? To do that, try accessing through a browser on your tablet to this address: http://elpis-ip:35747/currentsong . Em 29/05/2015 02:24, "Sean Slevin" escreveu:

The only thing that happens for me when I tap the default Done button is the keyboard goes away (which is normal), but the loading spinner keeps spinning and no data from Elpis ever loads.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I know it's working because I also test with my Moto G, which ElpisRemote does work on. But good question! I wanted to be sure of the same (thus my testing with another device). :) And using my browser on the Note 8 as you described does bring up the song info, so the tablet itself is also able to connect.

zolsta commented 9 years ago

I'm running 1.0.5 (just downloaded it today) I see the same results as Enigma, I click done, the keyboard goes away, and the spinner keeps spinning. I don't have another phone/tablet to test on, but point my phones browser to the address posted above, I get back html code that includes current song info, so that part seems to be working. I'm currently running version of Elpis, just fyi.

zolsta commented 9 years ago

So as an update, If I switch my keyboard from Samsung keyboard to Swype, I get the SetIP button and it all works fine. So using another keyboard is a workaround. Seems to be a problem with the samsung keyboard.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Probably samsung keyboard throws different keyboard events, which is strange. Will make a commit of a general catch when will have the time.

HellHound1337 commented 9 years ago

Also having the setip issue on a samsung note3 as an FYI

seliver commented 9 years ago

Checkout this version and tell me if it solves the ip issue:

HellHound1337 commented 9 years ago

WE HAVE A WINNER! (note3) works like a charm!

seliver commented 9 years ago

Great! What about you @EnigmaSolved and @zolsta ?

zolsta commented 9 years ago

Just installed the newest version, tested it out and it worked great! Thanks for your work on this!

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

1.0.6 works great now regarding setting the IP! Thanks much! :)

Do you want to consider #3 as complete now too, since you added the ability to save the IP address? Or did you want to leave that open because you have more planned related to that? I'm cool either way.

seliver commented 9 years ago

Great to hear your feedback!

@EnigmaSolved, just closed #3 ;)

EnigmaSolved commented 9 years ago

Yeah man! And thanks for all the extra effort you gave this--those of us with the affected devices very much appreciate it! :)

seliver commented 9 years ago
