sellout / emacs-color-theme-solarized

Emacs highlighting using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme
MIT License
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solarized changes org-mode faces. #171

Closed s-surineni closed 8 years ago

s-surineni commented 8 years ago

While using solarized theme I observe that it changes faces of org-mode. The new faces change the size of the text. The final effect is not at all good. Please fix it orgmode

gugek commented 8 years ago

Do you have variable-pitch-mode enabled somewhere? What you are seeing shouldn't be the default.

The headings colors were updated ba6b17ba9b5e69568f270434b72365434ecf2b10 to inherit directly from outline mode.

Maybe you are seeing an upstream effect from either org-mode, a particular customization like variable-pitch-mode or you aren't using a current solarized color theme since the colors aren't the same as what is being defined now.

(outline-1 (,@fg-blue))
(outline-2 (,@fg-cyan))
(outline-3 (,@fg-yellow))
(outline-4 (,@fg-red))
(outline-5 (,@fg-base0))
(outline-6 (,@fg-base01))
(outline-7 (,@fg-orange))
(outline-8 (,@fg-violet))


sellout commented 8 years ago

@codersam88 You seem to be using bbatsov/solarized-emacs, not this version.

sellout commented 8 years ago

Oh, and here’s a reference to the org-mode stuff in that repo – you can see the colors match, and variable-pitch-mode is used, etc.

sellout commented 8 years ago

s-surineni commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the info. Sorry for troubling you