sellout / emacs-color-theme-solarized

Emacs highlighting using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme
MIT License
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Emacs colors different than Vim colors #73

Closed jcyamo closed 11 years ago

jcyamo commented 11 years ago

I know right off the bat this seems dumb... why would Emacs look the same as Vim? But it is my understanding that the Solarized color scheme should look the same regardless of application.

Instead of duplicating all the details here I will just point to the question I asked on SO:

Basically, in the exact same terminal environment with both editors set up to use solarized-dark, Vim 7.3 looks great but Emacs 24.3 not so much. It looks good but not as good as Vim. Is this something that can be tweaked in the Emacs solarized-dark theme or is it simply due to differences between the two editors?

Here's a screenshot with Vim on the left and Emacs on the right:


jcyamo commented 11 years ago

I am closing this myself because I realize it is not an issue with this project.

resynthesize commented 11 years ago

jonyamo, I have this same issue using iterm2/osx. I've tried the various fixes but still can't get the emacs output to match the vim output. What did you end up doing to resolve your issue?

jcyamo commented 11 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have a good answer for you. From what information I was able to gather it seems that the color differences are just a result of how Vim and Emacs handle syntax highlighting. So, it seems that in order to get Emacs to look the same as Vim, you will need to do some configuring on the Emacs side and adjust what keywords are rendered with what color.

The best info I was received was the answer I accepted on StackOverflow from wvxvw. However, since I was only wanting to try Emacs I figured that was too much work for now and decided just to stick with Vim.

sellout commented 11 years ago

I added a wiki page about this question, because it's a FAQ:'t-it-look-like-the-VIM-version%3F

Just got the basic stuff in there now, but plan to add more examples, etc. Let me know if that answer leaves you with any more questions.