sellout / emacs-color-theme-solarized

Emacs highlighting using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme
MIT License
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Issues with color-theme over ssh #94

Closed dovej closed 9 years ago

dovej commented 11 years ago

I use emacs 24 in GUI and in iTerm2 on my local machine with this theme and have no problems. My iTerm2 is set up to use solarized ANSI colors. I can ssh into localhost from my local machine and still have no color issues.

I use a remote machine running emacs 23. If I ssh into it, my iTerm2 colors still work fine, and everything is solarized. I scp'ed over my local machine .emacs and .emacs.d/themes/ to the remote machine today, and updated the .emacs to use color-theme instead of emacs 24 themes. I tried M-x color-theme-solarized-dark and got this real ugly thing with royal blue background, a muted cyan in place of dark gray, and so on. I can't figure out what's wrong. $TERM is set to xterm-256color everywhere.

dovej commented 11 years ago

It seems this is a rehash of issues with 256 color terminals. I just manually tweaked solarized-definitions.el to use the terminal color set even when dealing with a 256 color $TERM.