selwin / python-user-agents

A Python library that provides an easy way to identify devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser) user agent strings.
MIT License
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is_mobile error #82

Closed zivsu closed 4 years ago

zivsu commented 6 years ago

user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Redmi Note 4X Build/MMB29M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/53.0.2785.49 Mobile MQQBrowser/6.2 TBS/043409 Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN

is_mobile return false(should be true)

baby5 commented 5 years ago

this pkg does not support Chinese mobile brand