selyunin / bno055_usb_stick_py

BNO055 USB Stick Linux Python 3 Driver
MIT License
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Receiving packet failed! #1

Closed svanya closed 5 years ago

svanya commented 5 years ago

root@elon:~# python3.6 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in bno_usb_stick.activate_streaming() File "/home/stefan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 355, in activatestreaming ok, = self.send_recv(bytearray(command), params) File "/home/stefan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 119, in send_recv raise BnoException("Receiving packet failed!") bno055_usb_stick_py.bno055_usb_stick.BnoException: Receiving packet failed!

selyunin commented 5 years ago

Hi Stefan,

How can one reproduce this problem?

Also, (1) Did you try to unplug and then re-plug the BNO USB Stick? (2) Did single register read work?

svanya commented 5 years ago

Hi Konstantin, (1) I tried replug many times. (2) Single register read works. Output is: "bno chip id addr: 0, value: 160"

I have RED BNO USB STICK with USB 3.0

Output from lsusb: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 152a:80c1 Thesycon Systemsoftware & Consulting GmbH

Device Descriptor: bLength 18 bDescriptorType 1 bcdUSB 2.00 bDeviceClass 2 Communications bDeviceSubClass 0 bDeviceProtocol 0 bMaxPacketSize0 64 idVendor 0x152a Thesycon Systemsoftware & Consulting GmbH idProduct 0x80c1 bcdDevice 1.00 iManufacturer 1 Bosch Sensortec iProduct 2 Bosch Sensortec BNO stick iSerial 3 001 bNumConfigurations 1

selyunin commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this problem until now. I have "red" BNO USB Stick. (1) Which PCB color BNO USB Stick you have (green / red)? (2) Can you post output from udevadm info -q all /dev/ttyACM0 where /dev/ttyACM0 is your device corresponding to BNO USB Stick? (3) What client script are you using for streaming data? I.e. what does your script contain? (4) What is your OS, Python versions? (5) Does burst read works for you? I.e. does code like below executes correctly:

from bno055_usb_stick_py import BnoUsbStick
bno_usb_stick = BnoUsbStick()
burst_read_result = bno_usb_stick.burst_read(0x00, 30)
selyunin commented 5 years ago

OK, I was able to reproduce and fix the issue -- the updated version is 0.9.3

To get the fix at your side:

1) Update to the latest package version (0.9.3):

pip install -U bno055_usb_stick_py

2) Check the version is 0.9.3:

pip freeze | grep -Ei bno055-usb-stick-py

3) Try streaming mode. I included examples into the

svanya commented 5 years ago

It's working now! Both streaming mode (generator and single packets).

But sometimes ended with another error (both mode):

GENERATOR: root@elon:# python3.6 bno data: BNO055(a_raw=(-182, -3, 961), g_raw=(-4, 11, -3), m_raw=(-68, -78, -489), euler_raw=(4555, -182, 4), quaternion_raw=(12911, -1027, 1260, 9955), lin_a_raw=(11, 2, 1), gravity_raw=(-193, -5, 961), a=(-1.82, -0.03, 9.61), g=(-0.25, 0.6875, -0.1875), m=(-4.25, -4.875, -30.5625), euler=(284.6875, -11.375, 0.25), quaternion=(0.78802490234375, -0.06268310546875, 0.076904296875, 0.60760498046875), lin_a=(0.11, 0.02, 0.01), gravity=(-1.93, -0.05, 9.61), temp=39, calib_stat=48, st_result=15, int_sta=0, sys_clk_status=0, sys_status=0, quaternion_resolution=6.103515625e-05, acceleration_resolution=0.01, magnetometer_resolution=0.0625, gyroscope_resolution=0.0625, linear_acceleration_resolution=0.01, gravity_resolution=0.01, euler_resolution=0.0625) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in for packet in bno_usb_stick.recv_streaming_generator(num_packets=10): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 282, in recv_streaming_generator yield self.recv_streaming_packet() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 270, in recv_streaming_packet self.check_streaming_packet() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 253, in check_streaming_packet raise BnoException(f"Streaming packet length does not match, expected: 0x38, got {len(self.buffer)}") bno055_usb_stick_py.bno055_usb_stick.BnoException: Streaming packet length does not match, expected: 0x38, got 112 root@elon:#

SINGLE PACKETS: ... BNO055(a_raw=(-195, 0, 953), g_raw=(2, -22, 1), m_raw=(-67, -65, -510), euler_raw=(4564, -169, 1), quaternion_raw=(12965, -925, 1196, 9902), lin_a_raw=(-12, 2, -3), gravity_raw=(-180, -1, 964), a=(-1.95, 0.0, 9.53), g=(0.125, -1.375, 0.0625), m=(-4.1875, -4.0625, -31.875), euler=(285.25, -10.5625, 0.0625), quaternion=(0.79132080078125, -0.05645751953125, 0.072998046875, 0.6043701171875), lin_a=(-0.12, 0.02, -0.03), gravity=(-1.8, -0.01, 9.64), temp=39, calib_stat=48, st_result=15, int_sta=0, sys_clk_status=0, sys_status=0, quaternion_resolution=6.103515625e-05, acceleration_resolution=0.01, magnetometer_resolution=0.0625, gyroscope_resolution=0.0625, linear_acceleration_resolution=0.01, gravity_resolution=0.01, euler_resolution=0.0625) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in packet = bno_usb_stick.recv_streaming_packet() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 270, in recv_streaming_packet self.check_streaming_packet() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/bno055_usb_stick_py/", line 253, in check_streaming_packet raise BnoException(f"Streaming packet length does not match, expected: 0x38, got {len(self.buffer)}") bno055_usb_stick_py.bno055_usb_stick.BnoException: Streaming packet length does not match, expected: 0x38, got 112 root@elon:#

selyunin commented 5 years ago

Hi, Hopefully fixed the error with streaming packets. Please update to the latest version 0.9.5 and see whether you still get the problem.

svanya commented 5 years ago

Great! It works without any errors. Thank you :-)

selyunin commented 5 years ago

Great, closing the issue then!