sem-in-r / seminr

Natural feeling domain-specific language for building structural equation models in R for estimation by covariance-based methods (like LISREL/Lavaan) or partial least squares (like SmartPLS)
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bootstrapping does not resolve unless I increase sample size #324

Open hamaldonado1 opened 1 year ago

hamaldonado1 commented 1 year ago

Hello! I am having trouble getting bootstrapped results for a model. The N size is 311. I am initially trying to estimate a lot of parameters. When I run bootstrap_model on the model it does not give any errors, but just never resolves. I have let it run for seems to be caught in some kind of loop. If I double my sample size it runs. Can you help me understand what might be going on? Is there some ratio of parameters to nrows in the data that are required for the bootstrapping to run?

NicholasDanks commented 1 year ago

Dear @hamaldonado1

Please share your code here. If you would like to share the data privately, you can do so at I will attempt to replicate and solve your problem.
