sem-in-r / seminr

Natural feeling domain-specific language for building structural equation models in R for estimation by covariance-based methods (like LISREL/Lavaan) or partial least squares (like SmartPLS)
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Unavailability of Weighted PLS in SEMinR to analyze data from surveys with complex (stratified) sampling strategy #326

Open eiovidal opened 1 year ago

eiovidal commented 1 year ago

Dear @NicholasDanks,

As far as I was able to check, neither SEMinR nor any of the other PLS SEM packages currently available in R is able to perform Weighted PLS taking into account the already available weights from a complex survey that used stratified sampling. A few weeks ago I was introduced to two articles ( and that showed the importance of using WPLS to analyze data from such surveys.

The WPLS algorithm that was used in both articles was implemented in SmartPLS. Currently, there is the lavaan.survey package in R which adjusts the results of lavaan objects taking into account the survey weights. I believe that if it is possible to implement the WPLS algorithm in SEMinR, this would markedly increase the possibilities of using PLS in fields such as epidemiology and medicine.

If you need any further details regarding examples of datasets with complex sampling designs or on the use of the survey package in R, which is commonly used to analyze such data, please do not hesitate do contact me at

Best wishes,
