semack / zx_tape_player

Just another tape player has been written in Flutter for iOS and Android. The application is able to find tapes and theirs images using public API and upload them to ZX-Spectrum compatible computers by the audio output of the smartphone. Now it supports TAP and TZX tape images only.
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 18 forks source link

inverting one of the (Left/Right) channels for stereo cable #23

Open ismal opened 2 years ago

ismal commented 2 years ago

I am using this great application for quite some time with my ZX Spectrum, and I made a cable to load the games which has a 3.5mm stereo jack on one side and 3.5mm mono jack on the other side. That works, but for a general customer it is easier nowadays to by a standard cable with a 3.5mm stereo-stereo jacks. It is actually very easy to use that one as well but some modification in the software should be done, so the left and right channels in the stereo output should not output the same signal. The easiest solution is that one channel should be inverted. The other solution is that one of the channels should output "0V", in other words "no signal" (a ground/GND). This feature is already implemented in a similar software PlayZX, so if it would be added to ZX Tape Player that would be great!

paolosanchi commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue, I've been able to load the games only with PlayZX. I really like the clever UX of zx tape player and this option would be a great enhancement. I attach a screenshot of the working settings of PlayZX for a stereo cable on my [phone.] Screenshot_20230512-091327