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rewriter gets confused by attribute named "count" #7

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 7 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 7 years ago

The following function

declare function local:rdf_milestones ($url as xs:string, $per as xs:string, $prop as xs:string, $elem as xs:string, $list) {
  for $i at $n in $list/*[name()=$elem]
  let $mil := fn:concat($per,"/",$prop,"/",$n)
    construct {
      <{$per}> cto:{$prop} <{$mil}>.
      <{$mil}> a cto:Milestone;
        dc:title {$i/title/text()}.
          for $j at $m in $i/participants_list/participants
          let $part := fn:concat($mil,"/participants/",$m)
            construct {
              <{$mil}> cto:participants <{$part}>.
              <{$part}> a cto:ParticipantsCount.
              <{$part}> cto:count {$j/@count/string()}.  ####
              <{$part}> cto:group <{fn:concat($url, "/group/", $j/@group_id/substring(.,2))}>.

Causes this error at the beginning of the function:

net/sf/xsparql/rewriter/XSPARQLRewriter.g: node from line 0:0 required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'T_FL
net/sf/xsparql/rewriter/XSPARQLRewriter.g: node from line 374:15 mismatched tree node: in expecting T_QUERY_BODY
Parse error: java.lang.Exception: Errors for Rewriter. Translation aborted.
java.lang.Exception: Errors for Rewriter. Translation aborted.
        at net.sf.xsparql.rewriter.XSPARQLProcessor.process(
        at net.sf.xsparql.Main.rewriteQuery(
        at net.sf.xsparql.Main.main(

The reason is the line marked ####: the rewriter gets confused by the attribute name count which it mistakes for a SPARQL keyword.

Workaround: rewrite the line to this ugly long-hand:

              <{$part}> cto:count {$j/attribute::*[name()="count"]/string()}.

What business the rewriter has inside that XPath, I do not know. It's very worrisome that it looks for SPARQL keywords inside an XPath.

May I also complain that the error messages from the rewriter (and their locations) are completely cryptic and unhelpful.

VladimirAlexiev commented 5 months ago is similar but concerns an element name