semantic-release / release-notes-generator

:clipboard: semantic-release plugin to generate changelog content with conventional-changelog
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Including entire commit body in release note #332

Open nhidtran opened 2 years ago

nhidtran commented 2 years ago

Hello! When the commit below gets analyzed and outputted on the release note, only the commit title is outputted. Is it possible to include the additional commit description/body in the release note?

Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 8 54 20 PM


const verifyConditions = [
      changelogFile: ""
      assets: [""]
const analyzeCommits = [
      preset: "angular",
      releaseRules: [
          // e.g.: next upgrade, large refactors, removing large chunks of code
          type: "breaking",
          release: "major"
          // e.g.: next upgrade, large refactors, removing large chunks of code
          type: "BREAKING",
          release: "major"
          // e.g. the new new hottest features
          type: "feat",
          release: "minor"
          // e.g. bugfixes
          type: "fix",
          release: "patch"
          // commits that need to be released outside of the release process
          type: "hotfix",
          release: "patch"
          // commits that need to be released outside of the release process
          type: "HOTFIX",
          release: "patch"
        // you needed to revert a commit on dev or main
          type: "revert",
          release: "patch"
        // added jest or E2E tests
          type: "test",
          release: false
        // e.g. removing code comments
          type: "chore",
          release: false
        // e.g. edits/new markdown files
          type: "docs",
          release: false
        // e.g. feat(no-release): will skip release based off of type
          subject: "no-release:",
          release: false
      parserOpts: {
        noteKeywords: ["BREAKING CHANGE", "BREAKING CHANGES"]

const generateNotes = [
      preset: "conventionalcommits",
      presetConfig: {
        issuePrefixes: [
        types: [
          { type: "breaking", section: "❗ Breaking ❗", hidden: false },
          { type: "feat", section: "✨ Feature ✨", hidden: false },
          { type: "fix", section: "🐛 Bugfix 🐛", hidden: false },
          { type: "hotfix", section: "🔥 Hotfix 🔥", hidden: false },
          // !  The following are capitalized to grab attention
          { type: "BREAKING", section: "❗ Breaking ❗", hidden: false },
          { type: "HOTFIX", section: "🔥 Hotfix 🔥", hidden: false }
        userUrlFormat: "{{user}}"
const prepare = [
      // this here is just for package.log update
      npmPublish: false
      assets: ["package.json", ""],
        /* eslint-disable no-template-curly-in-string */
        "chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}"
const publish = [["@semantic-release/github"]];

const verifyRelease = [];
const fail = [];
const success = [];
const addChannel = [];

module.exports = {
  repositoryUrl: "",
  branches: [
      name: "next-RC",
      prerelease: false
  defaultBranch: "main",
Xiphe commented 1 year ago

Have you had any luck with this? I'd also love to have my commit bodies included in the changelog.

DanielChrome commented 1 week ago

Hi. Any news about it? I'm looking for a way to add more info but all my attemps fail.

I'm try to use conventionalcommits parser with the template below but keeps add just the header to release-notes

<type>(<optional scope>): <description>
empty separator line
<optional body>
empty separator line
<optional footer>
kleinfreund commented 1 week ago

I've also wanted this for a long time and managed to get it to work with the following configuration: (which is admittedly not exactly simple). For more details, refer to my answer to a StackOverflow question asking for the same thing:

(I also opened an issue in to simplify this approach, but without success.)