semantic-release / release-notes-generator

:clipboard: semantic-release plugin to generate changelog content with conventional-changelog
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release note generator to clickup tasks #680

Open wassimbensalem opened 3 days ago

wassimbensalem commented 3 days ago


I am trying to add a link to my clickup task from the changed the file. The commit message should look something like this:

test: dummy tests

closes #task_id_clickup

The is including the closes part but somehow truncating the id ( only taking the first 7 characters), for instance if my clickup task ID is 123456789 , he will use in the changelog file 1234567 as id ( which is wrong).

Any idea to fix this ?

below is my .releaserc file:

{ "branches": ["main", "next"], "plugins": [ [ "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", { "preset": "angular", "releaseRules": [ { "type": "build", "release": false }, { "type": "ci", "release": false }, { "type": "docs", "release": false }, { "type": "feat", "release": "minor" }, { "type": "fix", "release": "patch" }, { "type": "perf", "release": "patch" }, { "type": "refactor", "release": "patch" }, { "type": "test", "release": false }, { "type": "chore", "release": "patch" } ], "parserOpts": { "noteKeywords": ["BREAKING CHANGE", "BREAKING CHANGES"] } } ], [ "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator", { "preset": "conventionalcommits", "presetConfig": { "types": [ { "type": "feat", "section": "Features" }, { "type": "fix", "section": "Bug Fixes" }, { "type": "perf", "section": "Performance Improvements" }, { "type": "revert", "section": "Reverts" }, { "type": "docs", "section": "Documentation" }, { "type": "style", "section": "Styles" }, { "type": "refactor", "section": "Code Refactoring" }, { "type": "test", "section": "Tests" }, { "type": "build", "section": "Build System" }, { "type": "ci", "section": "Continuous Integration" }, { "type": "chore", "section": "Chores" } ] }, "issueUrlFormat": "{{id}}", "issuePrefixes": ["#"] } ], [ "@semantic-release/changelog", { "changelogTitle": "# Changelog\n\nAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See\nConventional Commits for commit guidelines." } ], [ "@semantic-release/git", { "message": "chore: Release ${nextRelease.version}\n\n${nextRelease.notes}" } ] ] }