semantic-systems / NLIWOD

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Creating surface forms from redirects #37

Closed RicardoUsbeck closed 6 years ago

RicardoUsbeck commented 7 years ago

My old script does not work anymore, so either we fix that script or make this project run

if [ ! -f "redirect_labels.ttl" ];
    sort labels_en.ttl > labels_en.ttl.sorted 
    sort transitive_redirects_en.ttl  > transitive_redirects_en.ttl.sorted
    join -1 1 -2 1 labels_en.ttl.sorted transitive_redirects_en.ttl.sorted  > join.tsv
    cat join.tsv | awk '{sub("<>","",$0);sub("<>","",$0); sub(" .  "," ",$0); print $0}'| awk -F">  \"" '{print "\""$2 }'| awk -F"@en <" '{print $2 " <> " $1}' | awk '{sub(" . "," ",$0);  print "<"$0 " . " }' > redirect_labels.ttl