Open Ken5998 opened 3 months ago
I have the same issue in this version. @fiftin , could you please adjust the feature so it allows scheduling tasks in formats other than specific dates? For example, scheduling tasks for every third Monday of the month or using an uncommon CRON format.
Currently we have a workaround to do so until this issue will be fixed. Instead of using the Schedule section in Semaphore, I have moved out the CRON logic.
I have created an Integration with an Alias that calls the interested task template and then externally (from the semaphore server or another server) with a curl command I call this alias with the CRON logic I need, it seems tricky but it's really easy.
On the server I use the ncal package to obtain the correct information about the last wednesday of the current month, then on crontab I define the execution every wednesday but only once per month will be executed.
0 3 * * 3 /usr/local/bin/ <unique alias ID of the Integration created before> >> /tmp/patching-last-wednesday-0300.lst 2>&1
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "No argument supplied" && exit 0
current_date=$(/usr/bin/date +%d-%m-%Y)
current_day=$(/usr/bin/date +%d)
current_month=$(/usr/bin/date +%m)
current_year=$(/usr/bin/date +%Y)
last_wednesday=$(ncal -m $current_month | awk '/We/{print $6}')
if [[ $(ncal -m $current_month | awk '/We/{print $6}' | wc -c) -eq 1 ]]; then
last_wednesday=$(ncal -m $current_month | awk '/We/{print $5}')
if [ "$current_day" -eq "$last_wednesday" ]; then
/usr/bin/curl --header "X-Custom-Header: semaphoreisamazing" -k https://<your semaphore instance>/api/integrations/$1
echo "$current_data - Script executed successfully."
echo "$current_date - Nothing to do, the script will be executed on $last_wednesday-$current_month-$current_year."
Hope this can help fixing the issue in someway :)
I currently have a different workaround for my playbooks. I added the following tasks inside the playbooks, which need to be triggered only every third Monday and Tuesday of the Month. The Semaphore schedule triggers them every Monday and Tuesday, but if the conditions defined in the playbook are not met, all jobs are skipped.
- name: Set default values for variables
custom_schedule_enabled: "{{ custom_schedule_enabled | default(false) }}"
schedule_type: "{{ schedule_type | default('') }}"
- name: Set default run_playbook to true if custom scheduling is not enabled
run_playbook: "{{ not custom_schedule_enabled }}"
when: custom_schedule_enabled is defined
- name: Determine if custom scheduling is enabled
run_playbook: false
when: custom_schedule_enabled and custom_schedule_enabled
- name: Check if today is the third Monday of the month
run_playbook: "{{ (ansible_date_time.weekday == 'Monday' and ( | int) >= 15 and ( | int) <= 21) }}"
when: custom_schedule_enabled and schedule_type == "third_monday"
- name: Check if today is the third Tuesday of the month
run_playbook: "{{ (ansible_date_time.weekday == 'Tuesday' and ( | int) >= 15 and ( | int) <= 21) }}"
when: custom_schedule_enabled and schedule_type == "third_tuesday"
I added this to the schedule for the last Sunday of the month::
- name: Determine if custom scheduling is enabled
run_playbook: false
when: sunday_schedule_enabled is defined and sunday_schedule_enabled
- name: Check if today is the last Sunday of the month
run_playbook: "{{ (ansible_date_time.weekday == 'Sunday' and ( | int) >= 25) }}"
when: sunday_schedule_enabled and schedule_type == "last_sunday"
And under each task i added the following condition
when: run_playbook
Inside the Inventories which use the custom Schedule I added the following Variable
I currently have a different workaround for my playbooks. I added the following tasks inside the playbooks, which need to be triggered only every third Monday and Tuesday of the Month. The Semaphore schedule triggers them every Monday and Tuesday, but if the conditions defined in the playbook are not met, all jobs are skipped.
- name: Set default values for variables ansible.builtin.set_fact: custom_schedule_enabled: "{{ custom_schedule_enabled | default(false) }}" schedule_type: "{{ schedule_type | default('') }}" - name: Set default run_playbook to true if custom scheduling is not enabled ansible.builtin.set_fact: run_playbook: "{{ not custom_schedule_enabled }}" when: custom_schedule_enabled is defined - name: Determine if custom scheduling is enabled ansible.builtin.set_fact: run_playbook: false when: custom_schedule_enabled and custom_schedule_enabled - name: Check if today is the third Monday of the month ansible.builtin.set_fact: run_playbook: "{{ (ansible_date_time.weekday == 'Monday' and ( | int) >= 15 and ( | int) <= 21) }}" when: custom_schedule_enabled and schedule_type == "third_monday" - name: Check if today is the third Tuesday of the month ansible.builtin.set_fact: run_playbook: "{{ (ansible_date_time.weekday == 'Tuesday' and ( | int) >= 15 and ( | int) <= 21) }}" when: custom_schedule_enabled and schedule_type == "third_tuesday"
I added this to the schedule for the last Sunday of the month::
- name: Determine if custom scheduling is enabled ansible.builtin.set_fact: run_playbook: false when: sunday_schedule_enabled is defined and sunday_schedule_enabled - name: Check if today is the last Sunday of the month ansible.builtin.set_fact: run_playbook: "{{ (ansible_date_time.weekday == 'Sunday' and ( | int) >= 25) }}" when: sunday_schedule_enabled and schedule_type == "last_sunday"
And under each task i added the following condition
when: run_playbook
Inside the Inventories which use the custom Schedule I added the following Variable
[all:vars] custom_schedule_enabled=true schedule_type=third_monday
thanks for sharing your workaround, I also wanted to try it but for laziness I haven't implemented it yet... we have a lot of tasks and roles and this means that I have to add the condition almost everywhere :)
We are using the latest version of semaphore: v2.10.22
We would like to execute some templates the last Wednesdey of the month, every month. On the CRON expression seems ok, but on semaphore it can't interpret it correctly (seems like it ignore the day of the week)
Today is friday 26 and the scheduler show that the template would be executed tomorrow instead of the next wednesdey.
15 9 25-31 3 or 15 9 25-31 WED
Service (scheduled tasks, alerts), Ansible (task execution)
Installation method
Chrome, Microsoft Edge
Semaphore Version
Ansible Version
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Manual installation - system information
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