Having the option for a variable type that offers a dropdown list based on an Ansible inventory would be extremely beneficial. This feature would reduce the number of locations that need to be updated when updating an Ansible inventory. Specifically, when Ansible scripts are designed to allow users to execute scripts on specific computers.
The inventory should be pulled regularly in the background, ensuring that users always have access to the latest inventory when executing playbooks from Semaphore. Initially, it would be useful to display all hosts in the inventory. For future enhancements, the ability to filter and display only PCs from specific groups would be ideal.
I like this idea. I am trying to come up with a way for my DevOps users to easily select a single machine to run a playbook against without asking them to add CLI Args of ["-l", "host-name-of-server"]
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Web-Frontend (what users interact with)
major improvement to user experience
Missing Feature
Having the option for a variable type that offers a dropdown list based on an Ansible inventory would be extremely beneficial. This feature would reduce the number of locations that need to be updated when updating an Ansible inventory. Specifically, when Ansible scripts are designed to allow users to execute scripts on specific computers.
The inventory should be pulled regularly in the background, ensuring that users always have access to the latest inventory when executing playbooks from Semaphore. Initially, it would be useful to display all hosts in the inventory. For future enhancements, the ability to filter and display only PCs from specific groups would be ideal.
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