semazurek / ET-Optimizer

ET is a powerful application to improve performance, debloat, optimize and enhance privacy for Windows 10/11.
GNU General Public License v3.0
280 stars 22 forks source link

issue: chck27 #18

Closed Kannis-Wong closed 9 months ago

Kannis-Wong commented 11 months ago
function chck27{
cmd /c if exist %programdata%\ET\chck27.lbool del %programdata%\ET\chck27.lbool
# Disables several unnecessary components
Write-Host ' [Disable] Unnecessary components ' -F darkgray -B black
$components = @('Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features','Printing-XPSServices-Features','Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer')
foreach ($a in $components) {
disable-windowsoptionalfeature -online -featureName  -NoRestart | Out-Null

featureName is required $a

semazurek commented 9 months ago

Done sorry for late update