semgit / semgit-spec-repository-naming

Semantic naming specification for Git repositories
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To prefix or not to prefix #4

Open jvandemo opened 9 years ago

jvandemo commented 9 years ago

Currently the motivation to add a prefix to a git repository name is to provide better support for forking:

Without SemGit

The repository names are changed during the fork process to prevent name collisions:

cats/blog              --> me/blog
dogs/blog              --> me/blog-1

With SemGit

The original repository names are retained:

cats/cats-web-blog     --> me/cats-web-blog
dogs/dogs-web-blog     --> me/dogs-web-blog

Arguments for prefix

Maybe a best-of-both-worlds situation is possible where


cats/web-blog     --> me/cats-web-blog
dogs/web-blog     --> me/dogs-web-blog

This requires an intermediate step to rename the repositories after forking.

Immediately after forking, the situation looks like this:

cats/web-blog     --> me/web-blog
dogs/web-blog     --> me/web-blog-1

So a manual rename (e.g. in GitHub UI) for both repositories is needed:

cats/web-blog     --> me/cats-web-blog
dogs/web-blog     --> me/dogs-web-blog

More thoughts and proposals are needed to figure out a way to handle this in a concise and semantic way.

Please feel free to add comments or alternatives in the comments section below.
