semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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Issues Preprocessing more than one image at the same time and problems with create virtual raster of band set #130

Closed PedroVenancio closed 3 years ago

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Hi Luca,

I'm downloading two Sentinel-2 L1C images from different dates, and I would like to apply DOS1 atmospheric correction, calculate NDVI, EVI and NBR vegetation indices, at the same time for both dates, and also create a virtual raster bandset for each one.

The options I'm choosing are:





Both set of images are correctly downloaded, but the preprocessing and band calc of vegetation indices are only applied to one date.

Virtual raster bandsets are not created at all, but that seems to be a different issue, because if I select in the Band set tab -> Band set tools -> "Create virtual raster of band set" AND "Band calc expressions", SCP only executes the Band calc expression, and does not create the virtual raster (or the stack), even with only one image. If I do not choose the band calc expressions option, the virtual band ser is created.

Do you confirm these issues, or am I missing something Luca?

semiautomaticgit commented 3 years ago

Hi Pedro, thank you for reporting this. I'll look into this

semiautomaticgit commented 3 years ago

Hi Pedro,

it should be fixed in version 7.0.12. Please reopen this if you still have issues.

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Hi @semiautomaticgit

Thank you very much!

I've installed 7.0.12 and I see two issues:




Here is the log file:


Thanks Luca!

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Luca, sorry, I can't replicate the issues now! So it seems everything ok! Sorry for the noise.

semiautomaticgit commented 3 years ago

Hi Pedro, no problem, thank you for reporting this

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Hi @semiautomaticgit

Now I see that this issue is true in QGIS 3.16, also with SCP 7.0.15.

I was using two profiles between QGIS 3.10.11 and 3.16.0, and I made a confusion, but now I see that this is true in 3.16.0.

Can you take a look Luca?


semiautomaticgit commented 3 years ago

Hi @semiautomaticgit

Now I see that this issue #130 (comment) is true in QGIS 3.16, also with SCP 7.0.15.

I was using two profiles between QGIS 3.10.11 and 3.16.0, and I made a confusion, but now I see that this is true in 3.16.0.

Can you take a look Luca?


Hi Pedro, I can't reproduce the issue. Please try disabling any other plugin and try again. Thank you

PedroVenancio commented 3 years ago

Hi @semiautomaticgit

It seems to be something with newer GDAL/OGR or PROJ versions.

SCP works fine in:

Versão do QGIS 3.10.11-A Coruña Revisão do código do QGIS d2171173e4
Compilado com Qt 5.11.2 Em execução com Qt 5.11.2
Compilado com GDAL/OGR 3.1.4 Em execução com GDAL/OGR 3.1.4
Compilado com GEOS 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3 Em execução com GEOS 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
Compiled against SQLite 3.29.0 Running against SQLite 3.29.0
Versão de cliente PostgreSQL 11.5 Versão SpatiaLite 4.3.0
Versão QWT 6.1.3 Versão QScintilla2 2.10.8
Compilado com PROJ 6.3.2 Em execução com PROJ Rel. 6.3.2, May 1st, 2020
OS Version Windows 10 (10.0)
Versão do QGIS 3.16.0-Hannover Revisão do código do QGIS 43b64b13f3
Compilado com Qt 5.11.2 Em execução com Qt 5.11.2
Compilado com GDAL/OGR 3.1.4 Em execução com GDAL/OGR 3.1.4
Compilado com GEOS 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3 Em execução com GEOS 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
Compiled against SQLite 3.29.0 Running against SQLite 3.29.0
Versão de cliente PostgreSQL 11.5 Versão SpatiaLite 4.3.0
Versão QWT 6.1.3 Versão QScintilla2 2.10.8
Compilado com PROJ 6.3.2 Em execução com PROJ Rel. 6.3.2, May 1st, 2020
OS Version Windows 10 (10.0)

But does not work in (from OSGeo4W):

Versão do QGIS 3.16.0-Hannover Revisão do código do QGIS 0284dcf30f
Compilado com Qt 5.11.2 Em execução com Qt 5.11.2
Compilado com GDAL/OGR 3.3.0dev Em execução com GDAL/OGR 3.3.0dev
Compilado com GEOS 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3 Em execução com GEOS 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
Compiled against SQLite 3.29.0 Running against SQLite 3.29.0
Versão de cliente PostgreSQL 11.5 Versão SpatiaLite 4.3.0
Versão QWT 6.1.3 Versão QScintilla2 2.10.8
Compilado com PROJ 8.0.0 Em execução com PROJ Rel. 8.0.0, March 1st, 2021
OS Version Windows 10 (10.0)