semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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the prefix "clip" when clipping a raster is not use as spectral bands prefix but to create a new folder "clip_" #132

Closed GITHUBAntoineDENIS closed 3 years ago

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 3 years ago

Hello, When clipping a band set (ex: landsat5 image of 6 bands) with the clip tool of scp, with the output prefix "clip", the prefix "clip" is not use as prefix for the clipped spectral bands but is rather used to create a new folder "clip_" inside which the clipped bands have no prefix, which is not practical as it is then not possible to recogniize the clipped bands from their filenames. confer images. settings: image

outputs: folder "clip_" with clipped bands inside but without prefix image

archyuly commented 3 years ago

Same issue. Using: image

with: image

semiautomaticgit commented 3 years ago

Hello, it should be fixed in version 7.0.16.

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 3 years ago

OK. Thanks. It works fine now :-)