semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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Unable to export and display low resolution preview of sentinel 2 image in the main map of QGIS using semi automatic classification plugin #182

Closed cengr2009 closed 2 years ago

cengr2009 commented 2 years ago

Dear All, I am using QGIS V3.16 and I am able to search sentinel 2 images using semi automatic classification plugin. However in order to check what image is crossing my area of interest , I try to click the " Display preview of highlighted images in the map" , however the preview is not displayed on the main map, thus it is very hard to find which image is to download. Please help me in this regard. Best Regards

semiautomaticgit commented 2 years ago

Hello, usually previews are not available if the images are acquired very recently. To better understand the issue, please copy the log file following these steps

semiautomaticgit commented 2 years ago

It should be solved in the last plugin version.