semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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Training ROI warning during classification #239

Closed lisa-kb closed 8 months ago

lisa-kb commented 1 year ago

When creating training ROI for classification of a Landsat 8 image in QGIS 3.22 I get a warning message: 'Warning [12]: The following signature will be excluded if using Maximum Likelihood'. Even when making larger polygons I still get the warning, and only bands 2-7 were used as input for converting the bands to reflectance. (found this in another thread:
The strange thing is just one day before I could do the classification of the same image and did not get a warning message. I also noticed that in the day before, the bandset definition for Landsat 8 in the wavelength quick settings was 'Landsat 8 OLI [bands 2,3,4,5,6,7]' and the next day when the classification did not work, the wavelength quick settings in the SCP window was suddenly 'Landsat 8 OLI [bands 1,2,3,4,5,6,7]' and the composite image was not the same as the day before (due to the incorrect wavelength definitions I suppose.. band 2 was defined as band 1 and so on) Could this be related to the problem with the training ROI's and is there a way to change it back/resolve this? I am fairly new at this, so maybe the solution is really obvious but I am not aware of this. Capture2 Capture1

semiautomaticgit commented 1 year ago

Hello @lisa-kb please copy the log file following these steps The issue could be related to pixel values or missing bands. About the change of the wavelength quick settings, probably you updated the plugin. However, if you opened a QGIS project with a saved Band set, the wavelength center is loaded from the project. Also, please have a look at the basic tutorials

semiautomaticgit commented 8 months ago

I'm closing this because of the new version 8 of SCP. Please reopen it if it is still relevant in the new version. Thank you!