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Search for landsat images give no result #297

Closed GITHUBAntoineDENIS closed 8 months ago

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 8 months ago

Hello, The search with scp for landsat images gives no result and error message. My login to is working well however. image image image

ERROR MESSAGE : SCP: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request; url:[]=4.0,45.0,4.0,46.0,6.0,46.0,6.0,45.0,4.0,45.0&echo_collection_id=C2021957657-LPCLOUD&temporal=2022-05-05%2C2023-10-12T23%3A59%3A59.000Z&sort_key%5B%5D=-start_date&page_size=20&page_num=1&pretty=true

semiautomaticgit commented 8 months ago

Hello @GITHUBAntoineDENIS , the UL point you entered has Y coordinate lower than LR Y coordinate, while it should be the opposite. You should invert such as UL 4 46 and LR 6 45