semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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ROIs created and saved do not show colors in the Training input window #310

Open nsloureiro opened 8 months ago

nsloureiro commented 8 months ago

I'm using SPC 8.1.0 on Mac OS for the first time. After creating and saving ROIs, in the Training input window, the Color column is left unfilled. Even if I try to fill it later by editing the window, it is not possible to save a color. Is this a bug? How to solve the problem to continue and create a Classification preview?

semiautomaticgit commented 8 months ago

Hello, it seems a bug of the QGIS interface when the UI theme is set as night mode or gray, hiding the colors in the table. Actually the ROI colors are saved. If you perform the preview, you will see the color defined. You can activate the default UI theme and you should be able to see the colors in the table. Unfortunately I don't have other solutions at the moment.