semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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merging ROI result is confusion #321

Closed GITHUBAntoineDENIS closed 7 months ago

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 7 months ago

Hello, When merging 2 roi in the dock, a new roi is automatically added at the bottom of the dock in the last MacroClass. This is error prone as it is not very clear for the user that the new merged roi is added like that in the last MC, with thus a potentially wrong MC ID (if the roi merged are from a different MC ID than the last one). And the origin roi are kept. --> it should be more clear for the user where the new merged roi is placed, and it should not be automatically placed in another MC (the one at the bottom).

semiautomaticgit commented 7 months ago

Hello @GITHUBAntoineDENIS , thank you for reporting this.

--> it should be more clear for the user where the new merged roi is placed, and it should not be automatically placed in another MC (the one at the bottom).

If decided to use the active MC ID for merged ROIs because one could merge any ROIs, even of different MC IDs, so basically when merging ROIs the user should always set the C ID and MC ID. I'll try to make it clear in the documentation.

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 7 months ago

Thank you. I understand only now that the c and MC ID used for the new merged ROI is the one that is "active" at the bottom of the panel. The user has to know it. It would be less error prone (for non experts) if when clicking on merge roi, the user can choose the c and mc id through for example a pop up window that ask that to the user. But maybe it is difficult to implement. Or maybe more simply a pop up text when overing the merge button that say to the user that the merged roi will be attributed to the active c and mc id. Best regards, Antoine


semiautomaticgit commented 7 months ago

Thank you @GITHUBAntoineDENIS . In version 8.1.5 I have update the confirmation message when merging ROIs to include the C ID and MC ID.

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 7 months ago

Thank you for this enhancement. Ii is much clearer like that.