semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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Band Set reference to layer name #73

Closed fpirotti closed 4 years ago

fpirotti commented 4 years ago

Hello Luca, thanks for your huge efforts in creating this plugin: a note on BandSets from pre-processing: if I open an image (e.g. L1-C Sentinel-2) and run preprocessing twice with and without DOS1, selecting of course different folders, and checking the "create bandset and use bandset tools"+"Add bands to new bandset" options, the two new BandSets will both refer to the latest created set of bands, due to elements in the bandset referring to layer names which are identical, and not the the folder path. Am I correct assuming this, and that having layers with identical names will create confusion in using bandsets ? Below an image with an example:

semiautomaticgit commented 4 years ago

You are very welcome. Yes, the Band set uses layers name, therefore identical names should be avoided.