semiautomaticgit / SemiAutomaticClassificationPlugin
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New Macro Class ID is not created automatically in the macroclass panel when editing an existing MC #87

Closed GITHUBAntoineDENIS closed 3 years ago

GITHUBAntoineDENIS commented 4 years ago

Macro class are not created automatically in the macroclass panel when we do the following: 1) creating a ROI with the same MC ID than a previously existing MC ID and saving that ROI; 2) then changing the MC ID of the lastly created ROI to a new not yet existing MC ID, by editing the signature list panel. under Qgis 3.10, SCP 6.4.2. Windows.

semiautomaticgit commented 3 years ago

I'm closing this because of the new version 7.