semicode-ltd / sarah

Terminal Assistant For SemiCode OS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Added stock market plugin #28

Closed ztickm closed 7 years ago

ztickm commented 7 years ago

I made a plugin that opens a new webpage to look up for the stock market. There's a new md file in the marketwatch directory it contains the use guide for the plugin, I didn't want to include all of the guide in the because it would clutter it up

if adding was a bad move, just ignore the last commit 2a855a8 contains the following:_

Stock Market lookup plugin for Sarah

Make Sarah check the stock market for you using

usage :

$ sarah marketwatch lookup_term [country] [security_type]

example :

$ sarah marketwatch googl us stock
$ sarah marketwatch yamaha jp
$ sarah marketwatch AMD

country options

country_option | actual country name

semicode-ltd commented 7 years ago

Good Job my Friend ! any screenshot ?

ztickm commented 7 years ago

Here's a demo:

semicode-ltd commented 7 years ago

Its Cool idea friend

ztickm commented 7 years ago

Thanks for merging, keep going, semicode rocks !

semicode-ltd commented 7 years ago

you welcome :) , We will make it better , together