semifor / Net-Twitter

A Perl interface to the Twitter APIs
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Issue with list_statuses #24

Closed everybodyeverybody closed 11 years ago

everybodyeverybody commented 11 years ago


When attempting to get a specific status using:

my $twitterHandle = getTwitterHandle();
my $desiredListId = 4564564;
my $desiredStatuses = $twitterHandle->list_statuses($desiredListId);

I receive the following error:

Net::Twitter::Role::API::RESTv1_1::list_statuses(): list_statuses expected 0 args at line 119

Removing the argument then returns:

You must specify either a list ID or a slug and owner at line 119

Checking the documentation (which is at and looks like it is being formatted improperly) I see that this should accept either.

I have never contributed to an OSS or CPAN project before, but if there is any way I can assist with this and attempt to fix the bug, I'd be glad to help.

everybodyeverybody commented 11 years ago

I might also add that this occurs when using either API::REST or API::RESTv1_1

semifor commented 11 years ago

A list can't be specified with a single argument. There are 2 ways to specify a list. Here's an example using one of my lists:

my $r = $nt->list_statuses({ owner_screen_name => 'semifor', slug => 'news' });

# or...

my $r = $nt->list_satuses({ list_id => 38627 });