semifor / net-twitter-lite

A lighter weight (non-Moose) Perl interface to the Twitter API
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NET::Twitter:Lite Twitter is over capacity problem #5

Closed RuZniki closed 12 years ago

RuZniki commented 12 years ago

Hi. I've find some problem with your module. It happens when twiiter return error You wait it wiil be in json, but it is html. And api method return empty array.

I've find issue for twitter but until it will fix by twitter dev team, i've try to fix sub _parse_result (1682) with adding (1689-1691)

sub _parseresult { my ($self, $res) = @;

# workaround for Laconica API returning bools as strings
# (Fixed in 0.7.4)
my $content = $res->content;
$content =~ s/^"(true|false)"$/$1/;
if ($content =~ /\<h2\>Twitter is over capacity.\<\/h2\>/) {
    die Net::Twitter::Lite::Error->new(http_response => $res);
my $obj = $self->_from_json($content);

# Twitter sometimes returns an error with status code 200
if ( $obj && ref $obj eq 'HASH' && exists $obj->{error} ) {
    die Net::Twitter::Lite::Error->new(twitter_error => $obj, http_response => $res);

return $obj if $res->is_success && defined $obj;

my $error = Net::Twitter::Lite::Error->new(http_response => $res);
$error->twitter_error($obj) if ref $obj;

die $error;


Hope this post help you.

RuZniki commented 12 years ago

maybe this will be better die Net::Twitter::Lite::Error->new(error => 'Twitter is over capacity',http_response => $res);

semifor commented 12 years ago

I don't see any difference in behavior between the original code and the code you modified. Without the code you added, $obj is undefined, because there is no JSON content. So, it falls through to "die $error" with $error set exactly the way you set it.

In my applications, I simple check $@->code. If it's 503, I know twitter is over capacity.

What am I missing?

RuZniki commented 12 years ago

OK sorry, but i have some problem with TWITTER API, i thought it was problem with module.