semifor / net-twitter-lite

A lighter weight (non-Moose) Perl interface to the Twitter API
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Doesn't work properly with newest perl modules #9

Closed akarelas closed 11 years ago

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make a fresh ~/perl5 directory on your $HOME, and enable local::lib
  2. install cpanm
  3. cpanm -L ~/perl5 Net::OAuth
  4. cpanm -L ~/perl5 Net::Twitter::Lite
  5. do a $nt->get_authentication_url, and see that it takes 30 seconds to complete.

If however I use Ubuntu's default libwww-perl installation, by installing the two Net::* modules without the -L switch in cpanm, then get_authentication_url works fast.

I have tried this on two dedicated servers (Ubuntu 12.10 server), and on my Ubuntu 12.10 Server VMWare machine.

semifor commented 11 years ago

Indeed. There's apparently a bug in Net::HTTP versions 6.04 and 6.05 (current). Reverting to 6.03 is the only workaround I'm aware of at the moment.

I'll reach out on IRC and see if there's a way Net::Twitter(::Lite) can deal with this gracefully.

akarelas commented 11 years ago

That looks like a very old bug. Why hasn't it been fixed yet? (I'm reading the comments now)

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Thanks for trying to find a graceful way to deal with it. Please let us know how it goes.

semifor commented 11 years ago

Just released Net::Twitter::Lite 0.12002 with a dependency on Net::HTTP >=0, !=6.04,!=6.05. Net::HTTP 6.06 has been released and fixes the problem. Happy Monday! :)

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Well done. Congrats.

akarelas commented 11 years ago

We exerted pressure, and left them with no choice but to fix the bug.